Sunday, March 31, 2013


On any given Holiday you can expect my instagram to blow up. 
I like to think of it as "instablogging." 
Today was no exception. 
Breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
I did not leave any details out. 

Breakfast: Starbucks, Iced Caramel Machiatto. My drink was ombre before I stirred it. I thought it was so pretty and awesome, so naturally I took a picture!
Lunch: We ate at SaltGrass Steakhouse after Church. My Chicken was shaped like a heart. 
Dinner: my parents came over and made a Traditional Raines family Easter feast. It was so delicious. Also pictured: the Easter basket my mom brought me. I was wondering the whole day if it was going to get one because I am married now. I am excited to know that marriage does not exclude me from these treats.

 Left: My hansome man and I on our first Easter. 
Middle: I edited this picture today and made myself laugh. 
Right: My mom showed up wearing the same colors as me. 

I love the holidays. The pretty dresses, the food, the candy and festivities.
I hope I never loose sight of the reason and significance of this day. 
I was taking notes in church today and saw my notes from last Easter and was reminded of this word.

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