Friday, March 22, 2013

The Clumsy Chronicles

I have decided to start a new on going series of entries something that is of constant occurrence in my life. Welcome to clumsy city aka the life of Leann.

Just a little here and there moments for comic relief. Seriously, it's ridiculous y'all.

Episode 1:

When: roughly 10:01 am
Where: CFA
Incident: you see our cherries and lemons are in the same container (separated of course), I was trying to pull them closer to retrieve some lemon wedges and instead of sliding across the counter, it just topples over. Cherry and juice everywhere. I frantically clean up my mess forgetting to put on gloves.
Result: red stained hands

When: approximately 7:13pm
Where: kitchen
Incident: While creating a delicious paleo dessert, I had to learn the art of coring an apple. Instead I cored my hand.
Result: nice sized slice between my thumb and index finger and a sweet large flesh colored band-aid.

This could honestly become a daily entry and launch me into the blog A-list.

Welcome to my crazy, entertaining life.

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