Saturday, March 2, 2013

Peach Pals

I would love to tell you that my friends dressed with style and sent me a pic from Georgia because they really just wanted to be on my blog...But the reality is they just dress like this on the regular.

These are two of my very best friends and I think we can all agree that they are beautiful. Right? Yes. I miss these ladies very much and the opportunities to dress up together. I do not have much time to dress up outside of work clothes. Boring and sad? Yes. This is why I am always posting on Sundays. Church day, my perfect excuse to plan an outfit.

Back to these beauts. What I love about Brandi and Kayla is that they don't need an excuse to dress cute. they could be going to the grocery store for all I know. I am going to take a wild guess and assume they are doing something much more entertaining, but my point is they dress with style when they want. I wish I had their confidence. Covering every current trend from peplum to pleather and midi dress to bright blazer. I could not be more proud and more inspired. Peach perfect.

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