Sunday, March 31, 2013

Peach Posh: Mint and Yellow.

I love mint. The color and the flavor. 
I love putting every color with mint.
red. navy. cobalt. green. white. black.
For Easter, it was yellow.

I had my first Sam Moon experience yesterday and scored this gorgeous yellow bib necklace. 

For those of you who don't know, sam moon is a girls dream. I giant store full of bags and accessories. 

mint and yellow is all over pinterest. I knew what dress I wanted to wear and saw a girl walking around the store with this necklace and did not leave until I found it. 
best part of this story. The necklace was 10.99 and it came with earrings. 
real life. 

necklace: Sam Moon
Dress: Dress Up Boutique 
Watch: gift (macy's)
Shoes: hand-me-down from my mother-in-law

It was really sucky, for lack of better word in my vocabulary, to not be with my sisters today.
We usually have a super awesome photo shoot and eat way too much food.
Funny thing is, We all still coordinated our dresses and didn't even know it.
The oldest sister (kim) and I are Easter dress repeaters, but we still look good! 
Tori, who shares the middle sister spot with me, looks amazing and confident. She has lost a lot of weight and is still going. you can see for yourself here
My little sister (Melanie) is wearing a dress I was just drooling over like yesterday. 
Stylin' Sisters. 
(L to R: Tori, Melanie, Kim)

My brother's girlfriend was dressed super cute today too. She took my blog picture for me so I snapped a pic of her too. THOSE SHOES, y'all. 

Hope you had a fabulous and fashionable Easter. 

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