Tuesday, April 16, 2013

DIY: shirt upgrade.

Ever put on a shirt you really like, but hate the style/fit?
That happened to me today. 
I usually think of ways to make it better, but never do it. 
Well, today I actually did it. I didn't wait until next time. 
And then I did the same thing to another shirt. 

And then I got chocolate on my shirt.
real. life. 

Both of the shirts I cut were the same style.
Fitted on the sleeves and the waist. 
I just didn't like the way  it felt or looked anymore so I changed it.

I am obsessed with a shirt with a scallop, so I found one of my favorite tank tops and used it as a guide to cut the bottom.
Then I simply cut the sleeves to the link I preferred. 
That's it. That is all I did.
Took less than 5 minutes.



I even took the tank top I used and wore it under my shirt to add some length.
Then I got chocolate on my shirt.
I am apparently still disappointed in myself. 

Moral of the story is: I love these shirts 100% better and will actually wear them now. 

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